(Portrait image, click for full!)

I was going for a sort of "Mirrors Edge" vibe on Monday, I think my shots got pretty close ✨

📷Olympus OM10 w/ Zuiko 50mm f/3.5
🎞️ Tri-X @ 800

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I was so excited with how this looked in the viewfinder that I messaged a friend about it 😅 (click for the full image!)

📷Yashica-Mat 124G w/ Rolleinar
🎞️ HP5

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I did eventually get some sun shining on Kvaløya during the day while in 😄 (portrait again, you gotta click to view!)

📷Olympus OM-2n w/ 50mm Zuiko f/1.8
🎞️Fuji Pro 400H @ 250

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