Ulva is a half-gargoyle resident of Padloche who's surprisingly nice to those who she meets. (Fun Fact: This character was inspired by an AI Generated image, done in Waifu Labs)

11 63

Kayla's just preparing to do some cheese cutting, don't worry!

14 56

Straight out of a real nightmare of Shima-pad's, Chunky is one of the many enemies to get in the way of MiniVic on his Dream Adventure!

1 7

Let's get cookin' with Brecky, a monster girl made up entirely of sentient food. It's suggested you don't eat her though

8 49

You rarely get to see Val in these emotional states, but now you know what they look like. From Left to Right: Angry, Sad, Tired, and Shocked/Scared

2 25

Meet Akiko, a nerdy neighbor to Val who has knack for babysitting cats!

1 17

Even when you're a Goddess, it never hurts to be padded!

12 56

Oh gawd! It's tewwible! Vaw's been shwunk down!

15 69

Seems like Val's friend, , has gotten herself into a variety of stinky situations!

37 171

Seems Val is back in her old Comfy Get-Up. Guess you can't fix what's not broke!

24 77

Val's all dressed up in her Baby Get-Up for the Costume Party!

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Here are a variety of unfinished pieces taken of of Shima-pad's 3DS before it's untimely demise.

9 42

Wow, Val as a Pony? What an interesting sight!

7 38

It seems like the only leak Miku is having isn't of the vegetable variety

15 53

As you can see here, Val's made her splash in plenty of old, unreleased content!

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