Shinichi and Kidd are cousins💢

0 26

Detective Conan - Mouri Ran and Shinichi Kudo

1200 10043

alele! kalau misal shinichi ga bisa balik ke tubuh asli, dia kerja dibalik layar kayak fbi/psb gitu apa buka kantor detektif sendiri ya? 😂
(pict pemanis dari short stories collectionnya aoyama gosho)

8 64

alele! baca ulang chapter ini jadi bayangin 3 tahun kemudian timeline detco, shinichi udah bisa balik ke tubuh semula belum ya 🥲 ran versi kuliah juga beda jurusan pastinya, tetep jarang ketemu dong 😭

25 237

This is what (Love triangle)should look like in this case ..
Not knowing if Shiho prefers to end up with Shinichi in their true forms as Shinshi or stay as Haibara and end up with him as Conan as coai and try and live together with their new lives that they both had to share

0 25

Jyuto Iruma from Hypmic is sharing same VA (Komada Wataru) with Cavazos from Blue Lock,
While Riou Mason Busujima sharing same VA (Shinichiro Kamio) with Luna :D

aand.. what if Shintaro Asanuma also join as Blue Lock VA... :D

0 2

Aku juga suka mereka 😭❤️ cuma kalau di tanganku isinya mereka nge humor terus 😭😭😭

Banyak kok artist indo yang gambar all x shinichi/conan ❤️❤️😭 kemarin di CF ada beberapaa circle ❤️😭😭😭 aku beli soalnyaaaa indahh ✨✨

112 854

Aku juga suka kaishin 🤣❤️❤️❤️ hahahaha aku suka smua org rebutin shinichi wwwww

279 1652

Sometime it’s real but some still call it delusions
Yes it’s Conan but he is the actual Shinichi, No that’s not Shinichi it’s Kid

13 83

Haibara’s honest reaction when she reads all those hate comments that are coming from the toxic fans because she fits perfectly with Shinichi and it’s not her fault

9 66

alele! nahlohhh inimah makin ga direstuin deh lu shinichi wkwk 😭

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Alele! Pair ShinShi (jaga jaga)
Ini tuh dari merch kah? Aku nemu di dc wiki...
Ada lagi ngga ya official art Shinichi Shiho?

17 157

shinichi okazaki.

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"The Count and the Pomegranate"

I used the style of picture books to express the Count's 500 years of life.

156 883

Shinichi and OC commission for
Thanks again for commissioning! 😊🙏✨

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