Managed to draw something for them before Jan ends~ Rabbit Flynn for rabbit lunar new year

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0 9

Top 4 Best Girl's 👍

4. Karan Eri - Appmon
3. Yuri Nomoru - Camp Buddy
2. Isabeau - Shin Megami Tensei IV
1. Maya Amano - Persona 2

2 9

External crying when an experimental piece turns out to be good 😭😭 More 'twins' fanart
Isabeau and Akane plus Flynn and Ginoza plushie

29 85

Messing up with gradient map. Jonathan's hair is so fun to draw while Walter's is hell for me wwww

52 147


5 9

真・女神転生 IV 8th Anniversary!!
Thank you for being my gate to the series!

237 762

Nozomiiii 💛🌱🌿

- This was an art request for , I loved draw her! >u< 💛💫

29 122

Fairytale/Switching Places Flysabeau AU! Inspired by au headcannons ahdhhwjdjwjdjdj BRAIN ROT anyway my wrist still ache but brain rot > pain

27 68