Still bummed my heart shape button maker didn’t work… deciding if i make stickers or round standard buttons…

90 300

I’ve read SVSSS and now they live rent free inside my mind

73 343

I tried it too because of someone who will recognize herself... And got carried away because yes still thinking of season 2 trailer too😭Shizuuuunn😭

603 1552

shizuuuun~!!!! bingpup missed you!!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

549 1666

--to shizun--!!!! SHIZUUUUN I CAN SEE YOU~~ SHIZUUUU~UUUUN~~!!!!

320 1139

bingpup: mgmmgg shizuuuun~! you don't have to hold onto that--!! it's just trash 💦💦 please come here, to the dinner 💦💦💦

218 926

my pretty shizuuuunnnn mostly donghua ver. but elegant ✨

11 37