


77 342



2 31

[Made promo art jus now]

Final message, I had fun meeting new people through this project but it stressed us out 😭 now that the cancled build is out we hope you enjoy!!!

Cuz this is all yall get 🚶🏿 🚶🏿

download: https://t.co/C2xZRmXlT2

13 77

Yeah I met alor of nice ppl thru this mod and it was a favorite of mines so I'm happy I was apart of most of it!

Also heres human pink impostor arrrt kinda [#fnf https://t.co/lwD78klEkg

8 105

-Hermaeus Mora
-A couple of Xeelee Nightfighters (not actually gods, but still her most difficult opponents so far)
-And many more...

0 0

Reposting all my art cuz I love it alot

38 208

Some lore regarding delinquent Joker: he looks like a delinquent but the truth is he's actually just a sweetheart (but he's handy to have around to scare off unwanted company). As Bhujerban put it, "putting charms on your crocs tbh.but like....cute punk charms u feel??"

41 230

La deshumanización monstruosa del disidente es una conocida estrategia propagandística del fascismo.
la ejerce así en un vídeo para celebrar el

207 440

He's a little bit unhinged but she happens to be into that.

47 193

It's too cold to be single 😩

Love between two human beings can be so wonderful ~🗣🎙

72 324

Black Nuke
Queen and Joker from Persona 5
RTs appreciated
Commissions open

54 173

An Arcona and some kinda Shuma-Gorath looking thing at the casino

0 1

When your psycho cannibal GF asked you to give her your meat 🗿

2 18

Following the transhumanist/posthumanist discourse closely (one which says it is our natural evolution to merge with AI), I was compelled to investigate what is consciousness, what makes us human and therefore different to artificial intelligence. Our ability (1/5)

3 5

Repost cuz I took the wrong credit. Lol

Human green Imposter

Original art made by OneQuartOfficial#5562 on discord btw.

3 5

Happy they are making a decision to think ethically about repercussions of AI https://t.co/HlRkkJkl7y
(Painting I created earlier last year with similar concerns, in my case transhumanism and human brain cells in computer chips)

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