A fantroll thats based off a Gamzee/Shye combo design a friend made and generally a self insert for my fanadventure, Their name is Shiloh Pinett and theyre part of the group of trolls that will be around my fankids game session

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Heyo I'm Shye! I do a lot of homestuck art but I do post original art and OCs too!

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last month shye started drawing their humanstuck headcanons and then several other of us were like "i WaNt To Do ThAt" and it literally took me a month to finish it

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i love my silly little gay cephalopods

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I'm a homestuck fan artist named Shye (they/them) and I also like writing about worldbuilding & story telling about my made-up lore for it! I'm very hyperfixated on the clowns though I wont lie!!

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Im the black genderless clown on your dash and going crazy with aromantic vibes all over HVNGNJ Call me Shye pfft

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Drew Shye for Hyun Dojo's Secret Santa! I dont know their @ sadly, but their name is LaLaLand

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Hi I'm Shye and I only have 150 followers (whom i love 🥺🥺🥺) I draw a lot homestuck but man do I like worldbuilding and character design!

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TW. Blood
Hello im Shye and Im a nonbinary black artist who does mostly illustrations for comics, world building and character design!

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⭐ Shye Pierrot
(same on Tumblr and Instagram)

⭐ Chesswanderlust-sama

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HALLO!!! I'm Shye and I draw a lot of fanart but I'd like to share more of my original work! Thank you for this art share!

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Some halloween fun with Povi and Shye. I did say I'd eventually get around to doing some art of Povi.

Giftart for

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Hello!!! Im Shye and my love for creating art grows everyday!!!

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Also Shye'Anne Sparklequeen.

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Thinking about DnD again. Here's Shye'Anne Thundercleave, my half-orc barbarian.

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