Amigo secreto ilustrado, tirei a fã de Over the Garden Wall, é isso, espero que goste :)

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As imagens separadas pra melhor resolução <3 Foi maravilhoso desenhar esse nenê, as cores mais gostosas de toda galáxia

::O sinal que o Corujito está fazendo é uma saudação em Libras!

11 30

One great thing about a Virtual is that I don't have to leave early on the last day to catch a plane! Remember 🎵You are my shining star - don't you go away🎵

(Thanks for helping to make a DENVSI t-shirt for my

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Can't wait for this afternoon's breakout sessions where we will learn about improvements in the already incredible

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Today at 3 pm ET, check out the scintillating 's session at on The Art and Science of Presenting. I attended this presentation at and it was GREAT - many helpful ideas to keep an audience of adults (or students) engaged!

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Day 1 was AMAZING! I hit 'like' on so many Tweets from attendees that Twitter won't count them anymore! Never mind Twitter, I will be back later!

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Lisäyksiä: Oheisessa huuhaassa yliviivaamani asiat joko eivät ole vaikuttaneet ilmastoon yhtään tai ovat viilentäneet sitä erittäin hitaasti viime aikoina. Vain yksi mainituista asioista on tiedelähteiden mukaan lämmittänyt ilmastoa viime aikoina.

3 43

Since getting back from SI2020 and having so much fun with you all I've decided to start up streaming again. Nothing heavy but would love to see you there to chat about anything and everything. When we get space I'll add this awesome emote!

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Casual doodle of me checking my SI2020 Doc references while drawing my Doc's Adventures ♥

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Here's some Iana to satisfy your S5 hype
(∪ ◡ ∪)💖
I'm honestly in love with her design, amazing job

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Two more print to go !

Only ash, mozzie and Harry left to do !

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Hey everyone! If you're going to 🇨🇦 , look out for my friend cosplaying Lesion. He will be giving out stickers drawn by me, of Lesion with the Subtropical gun skin. Go say hi to him if you would like one, as I can't be there myself! :D

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Edited the beautiful SI art to fit my pink needs 💕✨

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suggests is a Russian plant. Hope this investigation doesn't cost us $32 million.

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