My bf plays Peter Shaw in our school production of Silent Sky. He is honestly an amazing actor and rocks the old timey tux. So I was inspired to draw him as his character😍

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I wanted to get on the bandwagon.
This is Silentsky, or Sky. He works night shift weather for spooky thunderstorms
haha thundercloud go boom

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Made a rendition of Librarian from his game She also shows up in !

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Go from Freyr & Kyin from Silent Sky are bisexual disasters. (Although Kyin prefers doughnuts.)

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Kofi art of Mel Silentsky! Local Void Elf Hobo

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【告知】「CHAOS;CHILD SILENTSKY」公開2週目となる6/24(土)からの入場者プレゼントのポストカードは「拓留」Ver.!そして、6/25(日)シネマサンシャイン池袋にてサイン入りポスターが当たる抽選付上映を13:30~/17:25~/18:45~で開催します!

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