I have to do it after playing AC FA..

Lynx: Astelia
NEXT: Facsimile

obviously going looks over performance LMAO

58 423

Our feature artist/tutorial for today is from the talented
- Useful similes in here, particularly that CHAIN bottom left. See that tip ONCE, and use it in your drawing FOREVER!

734 4041

Dreamt of a Facsimile bond unit that just streams on her days off

I knew well to write this down on a note somewhere cause something told me i would forget half of what happened

5 17

Lesbia parla sempre male di me, e neppure smette di parlar
di me: mi venga un colpo se Lesbia non mi ama.
Come lo so? Perché sono simile lei: la ricopro ogni giorno
d’insulti, ma mi venga un colpo se non l’amo.


Casa de Marte e Venere. Pompeii

10 30

“Mi par di avere nel cuore una corda invisibile, legata forte forte a un'altra simile, collocata nella corrispondente parte del vostro essere”

Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre


John Constable

30 67

Fallout: New Vegas 9mm pistol redesign - the original is a loose facsimile of a Browning HP so I wanted to make it more unique whole retaining the same heft/silhouette

Late 2020/early 2021 I think?

10 135

Poteva essere alta circa un metro, ma non aveva forma;
le sue mani ossute posavano l’una sull’altra, e insieme premevano il pomello in oro di un bastone d’avorio simile a una bacchetta magica.

4 7

Un mendicante, giunto da pochi giorni sull’isola, uno straniero ha assistito alla scena. Guarda l’Arco con tenerezza, lo tende senza sforzo e con “un suono bellissimo, simile a voce di rondine” trafigge Antinoo alla gola. È Ulisse, il Re di Itaca. L’ultima freccia all’Arco di

24 69

X-23 1 FACSIMILE EDITION (2023) — on sale Wed Mar 8.

$3.99 / Pages: 32 / UPC: 75960620546200111

The full truth behind the young woman known as X-23 - who she is, where she came from and the exact nature of her relationship to Wolverine - is...


1 4


mio Mehmet forse il destino
m'impedirà di rivederti
Sarai un ragazzo, lo so, simile alla spiga di grano ero così quand'ero giovane biondo, snello, alto di statura;
i tuoi occhi saranno vasti come quelli di tua madre…

Nazim Hikmet


7 11

Today B was working at a trendy telecommuting job.

Mr. B is a businessman who works hard using a typewriter and a facsimile machine!!!

0 0

FNF: Anomaly is about my EXEs and Sonic AUs. it features characters such as Parallax, Hyōketsu, and Facsimile made by @/draconix_097.

As of now, v1 of the mod has 6 songs in total.

if you decide to help out, do NOT ask for your EXE to be added to the mod.

3 4

Rileggendo "Battuta di Caccia" di Pierre Christin ed Enki Bilal, mi sono reso conto di quanto faccia impressione che una simile "favola" politica tanto nera sia ancora terribilmente attuale. Da inserire tra i fumetti da leggere a tutti i costi.

4 5

Comics this week!
Mark Millars Nemesis Reloaded with an amazing Quitely cover!!
Alan Davis on Avengers War Across Time and from DC Deadly Duo and the Flash facsimile!
Our HALF PRICE back issue sale is now on!

Open today 12 till 4!

4 4

‘Words courted
Siren Glass endlessly.

Moths to her eternal flame.

She had tried so hard
to ignore
their siren sentences
and drown out
their perfect similes
with sonic boom
as loud
as their roar.’

‘SIREN GLASS’ has just been minted

Mint yours before mint ends!

1 4

Upcoming *tentative* Dynamite Comics Darkwing Duck release dates:

Darkwing Duck (1/25)
Darkwing Duck (2/15)
Darkwing Duck (3/1)
Darkwing Duck (Disney 1991 Facsimile) (3/1)

12 65

You cannot have a facsimile life and a journalistic mind. This is an of the https://t.co/KVldz9bPty art

1 1

someone found a very old drawing of Kira and was curious about it

like many other old drawings(that ive never posted) and phases she's been through, this one has been resurged into a facsimile bond unit

0 4

So so happy to say that I just saw the great collected this piece 1 hour after minting!
If I'm not wrong, it's the second 1/1 he collects from me 🙌🏻

Thank you so much sir, for always supporting me and my art 🙏🏻
Really appreciated 🤍

"SIMILE" it's now yours! https://t.co/IxPUQFkXWu

9 13