Day 28: Homer's schizophrenia

3 58

Day 27: Decided to draw a fan favorite today.
And yeah I skipped some days okay so what?!?

1 30

Day 21: Our favorite sibling duo who always saves the day somehow at the end of the episode!

9 109

Day 19: Don't hang out with those kids Lisa! They be bad examples!

7 98

Day 18: Bring back Handsome Pete!

14 95

Day 17: The strange case of Joey JoJo Jr. Shabadoo

2 58

Day 16: Dedicated to a very hard working employee.

5 63

Day 14: Today featuring special guest star: Sting!!! (woop)

1 47

Day 9: Just felt like drawing Lisa Simpson today.

4 53

Day 7: Dude, stop bothering his Blanche.

0 29

Day 5: One of Milhouse's many girls

2 55

Day 1: That one kid in the back of the class with the green glasses who's secretly from the future

8 66