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Este... eh... sí, esa perra cometió plagio... y es una muestra (otra más) de lo podrido que está TODO en esta burda imitación de país.

Eso de que los sinodales reciben, "de buena fe" el "trabajo" de cualquiera, esperando que sea "original" es una pendejada.

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Sinoda, my changeling monk who lived as an outcast for a while because of her race, mostly she uses her firbolg disquise (shown below) She loves to attend pit fights and gorge out on any food available.

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Jenny Sinoda AKA Pagomi, an optimistic and likeable junior college student with ice abilities. However, she is mostly tired and stressed hidden underneath the positive side. She can kick ass with both her abilities and her weaponized break dancing.

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名前は篠田朝陽(Sinoda Asahi)さんなんですけど設定はまだ有りません

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for the people who doesn't watch 's D&D streams, you may have missed the reveal of my New character after Raffie retired into happy marriage life. This is Merielle Sinoda, Aparently an Elf Wizard, but many things are off and many secrets are yet to unveil

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