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Happy Birthday to literary great Sir Arthur Conan "The Barbarian" Doyle.

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sir! you are really an inspiration! you make me want to make my own podcast! heres a little something

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You're always like a sir, . Like a sir. <3

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*they nod to each other wordlessly, and turn back to * "Have you seen this pony, sir?"

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【限时免费】高塔骑士--Sir Lovalot:有趣的跳跃类游戏,玩家需要控制骑士跃上高塔拯救被困的美丽公主。 不同的跳板会带来额外的效果,玩家需要在规定的时间内到达指定的高度。下载地址:http://t.co/tAfIFRQZ

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Presenting: BATMONKEY! ...or APEMAN!? Anyway, congrats on the birthday, sir.

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New artwork for sale! - "Sir Dog" - http://t.co/lQYHAFk2

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Feel like a Sir.<3

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Have tried blending reality with abstraction under the guidance of my master ( Guru ) Milind Mulick sir.

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break a lung sir! Here my illustration of campaign.

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Sir, I did a painting, hope you like it -

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Hoy sir Sean Connery. Today sir Sean Connery.

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Oh, thank you ! *hands her a picture of Sir Gizmore* I'll try and find a new gift! *leaves*

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Great new painting by Fraser Aird this time, cap doffed, sir!

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Artwork Gallery: My Fan Art for Gloomy Bear with his creator Sir Mori Chack. Inspired to the song: http://t.co/s3dGQTxc

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Lyra Heartstrings, like a sir.

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Sir, a painting...hope you like it....

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