Come preorder your Funamusea charms as well as in-stock holographic stickers!! I have raised the prices of my charms, however I will be keeping Ivlis and Satanick the same price as a sale!

13 27

Day 21 - Dress Up☀️🎒 (school girl Siralos)

A collab with for this one!! She did the sketch and i did the lineart + color!! 💕😊

30 103

old Siralos charm sketch vs new Siralos charm sketch ☺️☀️

6 56


21 122

Since people liked y old ass Siralos collage from 2016, here's some more i love from that era

This one is one of the few ones where I used lineart and liked it

8 23

Estoy retomando un fanfic One-Shot que tenía en borrador hace mucho. Al leerlo, no me gusto, así que le estoy dando una vuelta, y este sería la portada.
Me imaginé como la creación de las lunas a través del mundo de Siralos y sus soles.

17 85



I hope you guys enjoy this beautiful picture with the brightest character.

See ya later everyone

5 44

☀️😳Siralos from Okegom

18 56

Revise un viejo álbum, y me tope con estos dibujos del 2017 que hice de Siralos, creí que los había perdido!

3 15

Day 31: Favourite Character. Siralos

I think it was obvious on who it was lol.
It was a fun ride throughout this month, i hope y'all enjoyed the days i've sumbited 👍

12 40

My first Siralos, and honestly my first attempt at a background. Apologies YET AGAIN for the lighting in this place. The sun god Siralos does not shine over here. 😆🙏☀️💖

12 48

Art Repost

Vayne, Siralos and Pandemonica

1 6

Magical draw ✨
Thank you (@ IdatesTeeth )
LOL Siralos

20 98

Cookie Siralos.
( I Tried )

5 28

Siralos's Boots Practice, Also a Lil Cat because why not.

1 37