
0 6

Weapon sketch.
Osiris "Lancet" Sniper Rifle.
A large sniper rifle mounted on a vehicle or aircraft, remotely operated by the shooter and firing APDS, designed to eliminate targets with precision while minimizing damage to structures, with perspective scanning capabilities.

119 999

Weapon design today.
Osiris Type-19-B "Bushido" Rifle
Improved from the Type-19, it was basically a lmg meant to provide close-range heavy fire support, but with an extremely high rate of fire very difficult to control, but the gun became a famous weapon in movies.

44 430


Crystal Cross🎃

ℍ𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 ℍ𝕒𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕟👻👻

21 16


Fairy April🎃
Cure2tron 🎃

86 83

Some design ideas for Osiris's pistol.

55 610

Weapon sketch
Osiris's pistol.

66 712

New OC
Founder of "Osiris Technology", she relies on life support and constantly reorganizes her body to appear to be in her "prime" forever. She is jokingly referred to as a "living mummy".

31 207

New OC sketch
I hope I can get it done by Halloween.

3 52



34 120

Today's draft weapons.
Osiris "O-813" rifle.
Successor model to the O-165 rifle, more compact and lightweight throughout, using a new synthetic case telescoped bullet.

44 496

This makes me wonder about the blue flowers he gave to Isis when he proposed to her. Did those flowers come from an actual seed or was it from another source? Given what we've seen with the seeds so far, they seem to be semen but transformed by Osiris +

1 75

I think it's safe to assume that Osiris is meant to be represented by "vines" as no flower has been associated with him in terms of what's growing out of him. We still don't know how Osiris produced the blue lotuses when he gave it to Anubis and when he forced the ascension +

1 63

It was the only way to get a dead god into the world of the living even for a brief moment. And I believe Osiris is vines mainly because of what we see here when he returns to Duat. He even has vines growing back in the past before Seth killed him +

1 66

The one that Kuentamen had transformed into Osiris. Osiris seems to use more of a vine-shape to represent himself as we see what's coming from the seeds Kuentamen holds. It is likely that while he was dead, Osiris gave him those seeds right before he resurrected him+

1 70

All the seeds are semen

A while back I talked about this, but was under a sillier context. Today I'm recalling how these seeds came from the semen of Seth & created the red flowers Osiris crafted from them. It makes me wonder about the other seeds. +
thoughts & theories

35 380

duane cheeto, legendary duelist of osiris red

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