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(rkgk )

He sits, he fits, he sleeps- 💤

647 5550

In case you dont know, this is from a scene (maybe even a meme already) of the anime: "Alya, Who Sits Next to Me, Sometimes Whispers Sweet Nothings in Russian". Also did a kind of edit, but didnt really convinced me, still, here you have it

23 274

If someone is in the middle of talking and presses a particular controller button, she sits down and takes a break🐐✨🎮

20 142

how come scara always sits with his pussy facing the world 😩

39 216

If Aki-Chan fits, she sits!

704 9320

The dough man sits... waiting :3

1 10

Fede: (sits)
Arturia: (sits down as well)
Fede: …
Arturia: ☺️
Fede: (leaves)

1 7

He sits very politely

5 111

Jaggia sits down next to you and holds you by the shoulder, pulling you close to her in a tender embrace.

"It's okay," she says. "Everything will be alright."

You close your eyes as the warmth and softness of her chest fur on your face soothes you.

85 688

Thinking about the way An Zhe sits on the ground bc it’s kinda insane idk how Lu Feng does it tbh

112 413

mf sits on the middle row near a window asleep throughout the whole class period and teachers has long given up trying to wake him up every time

4 51

sits on ur bed very cutely

244 3734

[oc] “I keep seeing a man, always on fire. It hurts, I can tell, but he doesn’t scream or speak or even move. He just… sits there, burning himself on that flaming sword. It’s the same dream every time… I think.”

465 4336

a mound of grizzly anatomy sits to my front
this isnt a piece ive seen on the chess board
im terrified of how it may move

3 33

Time traveler: *sits on a chair*
The timeline:

342 1965