Tomorrow morning around 9am CST the game will be in the agenda to brave the unforgiving wild land in this quaint little game at see ya then 🗡

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With the invasion in Gallia, the Atlantic Federation hold strength to bring the Empire to its knees on the Eastern Front at < > at What better way to spend a snow day? ^_^

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A manifestation of one's inner desires that you can fight with your own. Sounds like a blast. Time for some < > at Awesome sauce ^_^

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Another great piece of artwork by for my channel. Love this person's art style time and time again. If you wanna give them a shot, go to . These images below are some I've commissioned to her.

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Doing a short early morning stream with <<< Hatsune Miku Project DIVA: Future Tone >>> If you are an Vocaloid fan or love Miku, stop on by ^_^

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