Draw every skeksis 12/16 - The Slave Master

The worst one! I'm a little angry at this picture, he has no business looking so handsome.

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"Slaves, raise the stone!

SkekNa the Slave-Master is my third favourite Skeksis in The Dark Crystal. He's so twisted and openly evil. I so wish to have seen him Age of Resistance too!

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Day 15 of
SkekNa looking at his "good" side.

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He is responsible but he has no remorse...

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This isn't anime... this is anal sex!

UngNa is such a great ship, though Na can only take one.

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Random halloween skeksona, inspired mainly by 's skekNat, for no particular reason other than I wanted to, so I present to you skekLeo the mechanic

I wanted to draw him in a goofier way but my inner skekLeo was like "nooOOOOooo, must draw me with all my details"

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I've convinced myself--based on precious little nothing whatsoever--that skekNa and skekShod are the George and Lennie of Skeksis.

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