Out of my comfort zone, into drawing animals. Great afternoon at the LA zoo with , floating on all the magic and energy after closing .

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Sometimes taking a deep breath will help you refocus. prompt, day 363: Slow.

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If it fits like one, wears like one, it probably is one. prompt, day 362: Glove.

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Giving, receiving and a little bit of believing. prompt, day 359: Holiday.

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What's looking back at you and your blank page? day 349: Mirror.

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If you don't have one, you must know one. prompt, day 348: Son.

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Is it as full as your sketchbook? prompt, day 346: Plate.

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A boring conversation starter doesn't have to make for a boring drawing. prompt, day 344: Weather.

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Not all of your drawings have to fit a certain mold. prompt, day 343: Container.

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We have a feeling these daily drawings have become a part of you. prompt, day 342: Routine.

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The perfect way to end anything really. prompt, day 333: Dessert.

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It's always good to be prepared for when the moment strikes. prompt, day 332: Umbrella.

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It's perfectly fine to feel this way. prompt, day 312: Upsetting.

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What gets you out of bed? prompt, day 305: Morning.

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Set it with your supplies of choice. prompt, day 295: Scene.

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Cycling through the clouds. Which are also my thoughts. And delft blue too.

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