I honestly am blown away. My prompt was "giant eyeball robot invasion"

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I’m at the precipice of the rabbit hole. Do I take the leap?!

First try with Disco Diffusion. My prompt was “Sketchbot by Steve Talkowski, ArtStation, orange color scheme”.

So many possibilities here. Definitely intrigued as an idea tool.

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It’s been awhile since I’ve given some love. Both on iPadPro and my old 2013 Mac Pro + Cintiq. Just noodling around with some backstory. This species are pacifists, and their only “weapon” is creativity!

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I found a bunch of Sketchbots in my wallet that I took off sale when gas was stupid. Relisted them.


I forgot how ludicrously hard this collection was to make. These are all procedurally done, yet I contrived to enter in the metadata by hand.

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being awake at 3:30am means i finally got to snag my sketchbot, 1:1:150 project by — all of that spray paint, yes, it's made by code too, yes, your mind should be blow

i had to get the saddest one of all b/c once an emo kid always an emo kid https://t.co/9h6Ed5EpBX

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If you're collecting SketchBots and you also have a H=N collection, there are two of the overspray 1/1 pieces still available. These are created with the SketchBot engine.


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to when I did a piece for ‘s . This is where my hidden Todd Schorr influence really came through, hehe.

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Results from this morning’s Live Colour Jam Session with

Thx for having me on to guest co-host!

Done in on iPad Pro 2018. I’m thinking of trying this looser, more painterly feel for my this year.

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Since we were a literal day too late with releasing to make the it's only fair we a few copies of our puzzle programming game. Just follow and RT to stand a chance at winning one of 5 Steam keys!

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the art direction in has gone a lot of changes as well! lesson learned: first set down the art style & corresponding shaders, and then model the characters according to it 😬

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