A corrupted cleric for this week's sketchpoll :3

92 994

Water genasi rogue for this week's sketchpoll :D

58 682

"Death cannot stop me from guiding my people."

The prompt 'mummy queen' won this week's sketchpoll. :)

193 1666

A College of Swords bard after the winning sketchpoll prompt :)

59 521

A night themed goddess for this week's Patreon sketchpoll prompt :)

147 867

"Terrible is that which can corrupt and bind a being of such pure light." 'Corrupted/Undead angel' won the weekly sketchpoll over on my Patreon :)

63 478

I'd put "plauge spirit, personification" on the sketchpoll, but after that prompt won and I started doing some research apparently the Pesta is from Norweigan folklore. Rather unsurprisingly, apparently connected to the Black Death?

7 70

I really should try and draw more creatures. Elven cavalry for this week's Patreon sketchpoll prompt :)

33 281

Late to the party, but really enjoyed the show and put down the prompt on my Patreon sketchpoll so... my own take on She-Ra herself. :)

87 481

A victorian era spellcaster for this week's Patreon sketchpoll result :)

20 146

'Ghostly gunslinger' was the winning prompt of this week's sketchpoll over on my Patreon :)

42 277

The god of thunder from norse myth himself won my Patreon sketchpoll so... Thor. 😃And Mjölnir.

39 278

A trickster for this week's Patreon sketchpoll prompt :)

12 130

I'm all for happily married power couples, royal or not. Winning prompt on my Patreon sketchpoll was 'Fae king and queen'. :)

92 685

Sucks when you turn down that one sorceress and get put to sleep for a few hundred years while your kingdom crumbles to dust. Sketchpoll prompt over on Patreon last week was "someone suffering a sleeping curse or similiar". Had to delay it until today due to illness.

68 427

A dragon nest keeper for this week's Patreon sketchpoll prompt :)

22 141

The sketchpoll prompt on Patreon for this week was 'fancy cleric' and I tend to do these sort of 'impractical' designs for more non-adventurer characters so... should I be amused that I still ended up depicting it as some sort of Hold the Line moment?

39 294

Aaah, Fullmetal Alchemist was one of my favorite mangas when I was a teenager. Still such a fav, so glad I got to binge Brotherhood on Netflix, hadn't seen the anime before. So was a bit of a treat to get to draw Roy for this week's sketchpoll on Patreon!

45 251

Fenris from Dragon Age 2 for my Patreon sketchpoll! I quite like his in-game look, but decided to take some points from his World of Thedas illustration too, because of its more rugged 'on the run' look. :')

72 327

Sketch of Jaina Proudmoore for my Patreon sketchpoll. One of my favorite characters from the Warcraft series, Warcraft III was such a huge part of my childhood and artistic influence back then. :)

74 493