Found the fur that we got so long ago that I have plans for the furby reskining! So excited! I just need the time to get it all started and put together 😅

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Some concept art for my furbys reskining. Also art of him if he were a big boi. I just have to find the fur I bought for this that got misplaced in the move.

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これ以上はやっぱツイストボーン一個だけだと無理ぽよ 二の腕はちょい許せんなぁ 画面に入りやすいしね 補助ろう

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マッスルボーンか補助ボーンか…補助かなぁ どんどん増える

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Surface Heat Diffuse skining で スキニングしたのちに手だけ選択して残りの部分はVoxel Heat Diffuse skining.

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- Moleskining for the next "END" : the Elisabeth room !

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