Freshly baked commission for Skycharger! Getting flattened in Sammy's kitchen, before being coated in special TF-glaze and baked in her magical oven, turned into gingerbread!

He's still animate whilst hot, but will soon cool down as the TF sets, a tasty winter treat~

54 289

Patreon reward for Lenerd and Skycharger becoming glossy bouncy smooth inflatable ponies~

Sign up for pony conversion today! (Warning, one way conversion only, ponycorp accepts no liability for friends tricked into conversion)

69 400

An inflatable horseplay toys style transformation for Skycharger! Who was surprised his order contained a little bonus~

75 416

Merry Squeakmas for the YCH winners!

Skycharger the Tree, Yael the Pooltoy, and Nick the Shaymin wishes ya'll happy holidays~!

7 30

Skycharger really wanted one of those Guardians of Harmony My Little Pony toys from the store... So I went one better and made him into one for good!

A permanent pink plastic party pony perched perfectly on the toy store shelf~

34 181

A perma Cybersissy transformation sequence for Skycharger, Sky wandered into Sammy's lab looking for some 'upgrades' but he forgot to check that the machine was set to the maximum sissification! Enjoy being a ridiculously curvy dragon sissy covered in hundreds of rubber frills~

78 401

Couple of patreon reward featuring Skycharger becoming a flattened shark girl cardboard standee, and Kennkyubi's maidsona becoming a plush comfortable frilly maid armchair!

45 238

TF/ Petrification commission for Skycharger on FA :D

10 35

Early Easter teaser for Skycharger, eating some forbidden bunny chocolates before the designated time! Still, they make a tasty lopunny shaped poke-treat (bonus pic where their mouth gets absorbed into chocolate too)

48 271

Skycharger started having some regrets when he signed up for target practice, they're testing the new heavy hitting weapons today~

And that poor null bulge is all exposed and everything... Poor little decoy can only flex and whimper as they wiggle from side to side!

15 112

Balloon animal comm for SkyCharger @ FA!

5 26

Skycharger becomes an inflatable popplio pooltoy! No need for that boring old house and reality anymore, enjoy the beach! Its your new home~

65 229