heres his buddy atsukoe, and his older sister chifuyu. chifuyu is mostly deaf so she uses JSL... shuuoto found atsu on a video call signing with chifuyu and thats how they became best buddies

0 1

hiii hope everyone's enjoying their christmas!! here's another little sketchy fanart of scotty and liesl... they were so cute together 🎄

7 56

Mar 21, 2015. By: sarah572
[11 Yeahs!] [3 replies] (EU)
"pour bloom manga, il est mal fait je suis desoler et je trouve pas une rose vif dsl dsl..."

0 0

the duality of liesl sekimori...
liesl... but also liesl:

0 1

Pyro we've known each other for a year c'mon plsplspslpslspspslsl...,.,.,.,,,,,

1 4

PEEP THIS! A pinup be your favorite Sl...Serbian Nihilist! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

17 204


2 1


1 3

E vamos de 🥳
Meu nome é Victor, mais conhecido como Viteco por sl... todes?? 🤔
Faço ilustrações digitais cheia das cores e bonitesas olhem só
Puxa no rt para mais pessoas conhecerem o meu trabalho!!

Você pode me encontrar no insta tb:

16 35

new Slow Sl... Slow Start

0 0

사보 생일♥♥
ASL... 많이 좀 나와줘

28 86

Aug 29, 2015. By: bouber
[9 Yeahs!] [3 replies] (EU)
"Dsl du rtard Pour toi Lou... Encore dsl... Je sais même pas me dessiner..."

0 0

It's dark, rainy and a bit chilly here in Iowa today. I'm kinda craving a

0 3

wsl... 😳

cr. 人鱼保安益生菌

1 2


1 17


0 0

Merci beaucoup pour ce Art Share, du coup je vous montre des dessins réalisé en digital et traditionnel.

Je mentionne j’ai pas pu mettre tout le monde dsl...😓

10 33

touhou oc i made in sl...... tried out semi zun style again
dont have a name for her yet

1 7