Law: Yo slaveboy... We just finished playing football and need your fag tongue to clean us from head to toe... And between each toe too.. *laughs*

Me: Yes sir... My tongue is your sweat rag
*Bows down*

53 77

Sanji: Oy slaveboy.... Our bodies are sweaty and they require your fag tongue to lick them clean... So start with my armpit...

Me: Yes Sir Master Sanji *Licks sweaty armpit*

Art: Peanuts4343

44 60

Anyone wanna dress me up like a little maid boy and fuck me while I'm trying to clean things around the house?

22 60

Dm for link to see me in this position and a few others ;) might delete after a while so seize the chance.

221 796

Slowly getting myself out of my slump, guys. Getting back to work!

Have some wolf slaveboy.

24 100