12 Facts About Slavery in Jamaica The Educational System Refuses to Teach in Schools http://t.co/5rZpSsP4RS

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RT to spread the word: Mauritania has imprisoned more anti-slavery activists than slave owners

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Care to share this from an operative? we care about

5 3

Here in , slavery don't exist... Does it?

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Stunning ‘Soul Slavery’ Artwork by Peter Jaworowski - http://t.co/mKnR0hEo7v

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don't have any solid opinion about interspecific slavery, just messin' with colors

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Never thought I'd get to make an game with Hitler, slavery, AND a space monkey in a fez!

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Our history is older than America, older than slavery and older than our oppression. Black history is world history.

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Amelia Opie was a writer and the leader of the Ladies Anti Slavery Society in Norwich

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“Now i see why reading was illegal for black people during slavery.
i discover that i think in words." M.K. Asante

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American Slavery Started With The New England Colonies https://t.co/6GBfmDOrrW

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