"Stop watching scary movies before be Alex."
-Why Ruins doesn't have his shit....Its a dream X"D-
Base by possxm
Male is @/RuinousInferno ( i know he has horns tail and wings he's in a slazer nightmare)

3 6

☝️“First Slate” minted - Slazer - celebrating its Last Record Sale Origin Moon Anniversary 👀✨🎉🙏🏼


2 13

1- EXPA Select https://t.co/UhFbaCzVwm
2- FOCA Select https://t.co/T1T7sNIJQu
3- ELF Supply rotates Bella 1W > TeslaZero 3W > Fuxi 1W > Selune 1W
4- AE Outfit gacha costs up to 9600 xtal.
5- Charles Dickens + Sleeping Beauty supply. Guarantees new Charles piece within 30 pulls

0 19