I’ve heard so many good things about the that I couldn’t help but join their community🍊

I already love my sloth and can’t wait to see what the future brings for this project…

Let’s see if sloths follow sloths☢️

13 97

Here's the seed images and evolution in the creation of Aränyi in The Pimïni collection, from the original Everyday Sloths image through to the final.

A belated huge thanks to for collecting him! 🙏🏻

11 remaining. Join the Pimïni fam!


3 24

My pfp is & I chose this one in particular because I’m a fan of the clean sloths in the collection, minimal traits. I also seen good potential for a story behind the character. I’m KiD Krypto & my sloth is Officer KK. Tons of cool stuff I could come up with to use… https://t.co/OzdZHcQjmq

0 17


예전에는 벅공대 개근도 했었는데
요즘은 쌍쌍바가 되기도 합니당

0 0

You know what? Crows are kinda overrated. I’m tired of pretending they’re my favorite animal-

Now giant sloths? Fantastic. The ultimate organism. They may be kinda sorta extinct but they are waaaaay cooler than those lame corvids 😩

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0 10


참고로 시민권은 FEWK 이벤트 하면서 얻었슴니당
3명이 파이널 진출 했는데 1명은 pfp 1명은 시민권 나머지는 그냥 탈락이었습니당.

0 2


정말 어렵게 어렵게 경매로 따낸 벅시티 첫 pfp
여러번 떨어지면서 마음고생도 심했습니당
그래도 따내니 기분 좋았습니당

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Wise Sloth adopted on secondary market 🥳🦥🥂

From ➡️ 🛒

Congrats both, but a special mention goes to which is our new 3rd top holder with 5 sloths! 🥉❤️

Adopt a wise sloth and join the movement!

10 24

Slakoth regional form inspired by the algae covered sloths

instagram @|pimpollo.algo

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뽀롱형에게 레삐 프사 아니메 스타일로 만들어달라 부탁해서 만들어 본 프사입니당. 뒤에 늘보탄조가 강아지가 되었네욤

0 1


뽀롱형에게 부탁한 또다른 늘보탄조 합성입니당.
늘보하고 너구리 합친거 같습니당

0 1


뽀롱형에게 늘보탄조 미형으로 개조해달라고 부탁 했는데
이렇게 귀엽게 합성해주었습니당.

0 1


벅주족 유니폼을 입고, 석재의 견고한 무쇠덩어리를 들어보았습니당.

0 5

🦥Only a handful of these ultra-cute, oh-so-lazy NFTs left! 😱 Don't miss your chance to own one before we say "sloth'ya later" to this season! 🥳🎉 Next season's creepin' in slooowly...🐾🌿


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