Doing an chill art stream in about 10 mins as my comeback stream, coughing will happen but.. ya know xD not 100% so lets try


6 15

So lost ark still down and well... we going the cute way! with it looks super cute! cant wait to play it in about 10 mins!


3 3

Spookctober adventure in with in a tad moment! with twitch viewer powers! hopefully we make it out alive


3 7

Doing some over at channel in about 10 ish mins! come over and watch us be animal crossing royaling!


3 8

More in 14 mins! we will return to the battlefield with 🦥 for more trouble!


2 14

Kid or a squid? its time in 25 mins! got the sound working on obs and it sounds FRESH 👀


2 6

More in about 30 mins! starring for more marauder adventure! 🦊🥖 x 🦥 We will run into all sort of trouble!


2 6

Since que be bad, we cant log off so we be streaming it today 👀in 30 mins! and collab tomorrow for gartic phone with lovely ppl at 4 PM GMT+2


2 6

10 mins to lets adventure! going ice glove and healing staff! wooo!


4 7

Hey everyone! In an hour I'll be continuing on with Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke!

I'm amazed we've managed to get so far and I've had such a fun time with it, so it would be amazing to see you there!

Link in comments 💙


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Lets retry and i hope the controller wont stop work this time c: cya guys in 10 mins!


3 10

Ever been annoyed at me? Course you have!

Now you have a way to show it with the all new xereaAngy emote, for all of your displeased needs!

As always drawn by me, I did my best haha. Thank you so much for unlocking a 3rd tier 1 slot guys 💙


4 13

I fell asleep for a bit so I couldn't do an hour before post to say I'm gonna be streaming Blasphemous!

So I'll do it now! Playing Blasphemous right now over on my Twitch! We got stuck on a boss last time so let's hope we can beat it~


1 4

We just hit 150 followers on Twitch!!! 😭🥳

Thank you to each and every one of you who has supported me so far - I never even imagined I would reach 50, let alone 150!

It means the world to me, really. I love and appreciate you all so much 💙


2 20

10 mins to part 2 of we are more than half way thru it so i hope we can finish it today! if not.. rip! 🦊🥖


2 7

🔴Smug fox is
is live at this very moment with the peepz! &

⬇️Link Below⬇️

1 8

In about 1 hour me, and are doing very excited for the jungle theme! hope to see ya there!


2 5

🔴Smug fox is
Going live with hopefully with otherwise it be just us c:

⬇️Link Below⬇️

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