What makes you smile? 😊It's so why don’t you have a think together! Doing your best can also make you happy!


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"The problem with being a Tooth Fairy, was that not everybody looked after their teeth as well as they should." 🪥

We hope you're all looking after your teeth! 🦷🧚

The Vigilante Tooth Fairy by is available now 👉 https://t.co/msaRIxi41P

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Year 1👫...from the 18th May to 18th June it’s National Smile Month😀 It is all about looking after your teeth🦷 and having a healthy mouth👄. Check out the blog for activities to do with looking after your teeth🦷👍🏻

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It's Whether your teeth are real or false like these ones, we want to know what makes you smile and show off your gnashers?

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