Well that’s a shame. I understand what ya going through. just found y’all’s channel and honestly find it enjoyable,and interesting. If ya ever want even a bit of help please don’t be shy and DM me, be interesting to draw something for ya. Y’all be stay positive k.

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These are always great and very helpful, so happy new year to y’all, I’m Fear. Love to draw creatures I call children and turning people into creatures to join my family. With my partner Luca we hope to bring smiles to y’all. DM me cause and y’all

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Wish Twitter also had that 3D filter Facebook has cause some art work I created looks pretty cool in 3D lol cause these don’t look that bad in 3D

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So I am overjoyed, I’ve been very much into smiles and have at one point went on a long rant on how they can be used in any genre of media and finally I see a trailer for a horror movie simply titled…Smile! And I’m just happy and hope this movie don’t bomb lol lol

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Remember y’all, if we reach 910 I will do an art giveaway of some kind be it either a headshot logo or name art, but details on Who and how to win this will be posted after we reach that goal okie dokie l…okie dokie then lmao

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Which ones I have drawn a ton, been trying to spread them like a plague but the rats won’t carry them for me lmao but yes we all need to like ya doing right now, I drew these myself so I hope they can also work for me

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That’s fine, then all I can say is that don’t let this one moment stop you from any future things that can happen, there is always next time and you gain experience from every event in your life. Just learn And reflect on what happened and move forward, always ok

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Glad to hear The positivity, be sure to for them, keep up the good work ya hear

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Y’all want to know the most surprising thing about all my work through out the years, Luca and Fear are my oldest characters but these pics below, very first successfully drawn anatomy and detail I actually wanted drawn in 20 years of doing this lol

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I just realized something….I need to add tags when I post art, that might help more see it…who knew lol y’all especially for this doofus lol

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Been a while since I made a simple smile so here’s the very start and final to show what I’m capable of…so…I made it look grunge or something…idk just remember to lol

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Finally for the fifth time, sorry, but with the talk of smiles I leave you with my precious smiles hopefully to make you back a smile and and have a great ya freaks, now from left to right I introduce Akuma Kuma, Brain Juice, Jericho Jacks, and my Cupid Demon Cutey

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