she's coming to kick your ass‼️💥🌸🎀✨️💣
number 69 by ‼️

18 134

smileybomb except i cannot draw muscles. absolutely no gains whatsoever.

43 722

as requested by the twitch chat. another alternative text for the kingpin smileybomb
somehow this feels appropriate

24 412

"Smileybombs lay anywhere from 350-400 Smileybombjr's every 70-90 years, which is the cause for the limited purchase time. Their nests are made out of concrete and drywall."
i read this in a book about raising chickens, no fucking clue who put that there but it also had this pic

6 116

I will take this as a good opportunity to repost the Bunny boy smileybomb

7 180

I asked Gianni what editing software he uses to copy/paste Smileybomb onto game protags for his stream announcements. Wordlessly he touched my forehead and transmitted the following vision

41 465

SmileyBomb my bombloved :]

19 407