Our final sketchnote of 2019 for . ✏️
And that’s a wrap, folks! 👏🏻
We’ll be back next week with a round-up post or two.
From all the team, get home safe & have a great weekend!

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Here’s of ’s talk summarised in a sketchnote! ✏️
Thank you Gareth, great session. 🎙

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And we’re done.
What a session! 🔥
✏️ Social sketch of part two by - as endorsed by 👌🏻

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That’s a wrap on part one! 👏🏻
✏️ Expertly sketched by .

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Thanks to & panel for another really useful session! 👏🏻
✏️ Summary from .

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Prepared and ready for the next event with

is the event that keeps on giving!


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Such a helpful session from ! 🙌🏻
Social sketch-notes from Luan’s talk by our Ambassador . ✏️

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My final event of day 1! It's gone so fast!

Top things you need to know before working with influencers with & Mark Turpin from

Lets do this.

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Next up its a video of Social Media & the Revolution.

This. Will. Be. Good.

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Over. The. Moon....

...to announce that I'll be delivering a workshop at the one and only at the amazing on 12th June.

Click the link to get your tickets!!


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🌟 New Team Member Announcement 🌟

Please welcome the newest member of our team, ! Sophie is a freelance digital marketer and writer and has linked up with for

Read more about her here: https://t.co/4decOvwm1M


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