Rack up a high score to⭐️each map in a level, and unlock the boss as a skin! Maybe if you get enough⭐️'s, you can unlock other stuff too...?

10 33

Yes I am still working on this dumb little game. Here have some menko

5 25

Hunter is the leader of the Pyceptor battalion. Her mission is to guard the Golden Egg hoard and end the Nuuta resistance through attrition.

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Ivangaud is the first of the 7 Spectrum Cyborgs. A former noble, he has now summoned an army of ancient robots in the Rocky Ruins. His Power Well allows him to draw in Platinum Eggs and drop a massive trail of flames in the process.

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Golden Eggs are the most crucial energy source in the world of The snake-like Pyceptors have always hoarded them, forcing the Nuuta race to adapt to survive. But now, it seems the Pyceptors want to starve the Nuuta out...!

3 5

The Runner is a colloquial name for one of the 4 Nuuta chassis types in Nuuta *must* be built for speed and endurance if they are to survive in a world full of hostile mechanical snakes!

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soundtrack is now completed (barring potential revisions)! 20 songs, ~25 minutes total (unlooped).

Shortest song: 0:15 sec
Longest song: 1:57 min

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