making this expression during the most painful game of Pictionary I've ever witnessed. That's about how I feel during board games, too. Finally drew Snaps like I SAID I would.

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this shit is tight (also i textured the hoodie cause that's snaps' usual brand. frowny X face!)

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Drawn during the stream--usually I can crack out a picture in an hour or less, but I realize when I talk and draw, I get WAY LESS DONE! So it took about an hour and a half. ...and then i realized Snaps' head is HUGE right at the end LMAO

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wow what an asshole! this was my take on Chara, the human from Snaps' timeline. They're not present in his story anymore due to LORE but I was/am pretty fond of their design.

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bad mental health days really do be feeling like your eyes look like this

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"suck my BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLS" originally he was gonna say "i filed my taxes bay~bay~" bUT yknow. his mouth goes GAGAGAGA and i didn't wanna figure it out this late.

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