that Sir Pentious fan song “My Machine” is still one of my favorites ever and I feel like it fits Snivley

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Snivley doodles (I just like his wacky design)

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And then there’s snivley, originated from SatAM, don’t know aton about him, I think he’s like robotniks punching bag of a cousin who wants to overthrow him, he’s good for SatAM esc robotnik and can be a cool post robotnik antagonist but kinda weak as a side character to him

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...The mask made had some weird lenses in them to make her see snivley... It wreaks of retcon plot twist really.
Sally was only put into a coma after her fall, and Sonic kisses her to awaken in the end after killing off Robotnic. Which honestly, has some cool art. /2

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Klatus (Left) & Snivley (Right)

While not Sonic OC's parse , their a very Sonic inspired duo design wise aswell as being deconstructions of sorts of the tropes/archetypes within the Sonic series.

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Of course, there's also a few non-SatAM references in the story. Sally is called a Chipmunk (her Archie and Troll Associates species), Julian is given the last name "Kintobor", Snivley is given his Archie name "Colin", and of course, Nicole is a Lynx modeled after her Archie-

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Hi DreadL0RD!!! Sorry if it's a little bad.... Here is my OC Snivley Wattson!!! Hiyaaaaah!!!!

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Not sure how to feel about bearded Snivley. I dont hate it. Bald looks good rather than weird stray hairs lol

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Did you know that Snivley was originally gonna be featured in the UK Fleetway Sonic the Comic?
Nigel Kitching found his model sheet in a pile of references sent by Sega, and assumed they had the rights to use him. Turns out, he was wrong. So, they created the character Grimer to-

7 46

You know, I could say that I expected the references to Scratch, Grounder, and Snivley. I probably could have even guessed the reference to Bocoe and Decoe. I could never, for the life of me, have expected a reference to Sleet and Dingo.

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is... is this a reference to the SatAM episode where Snivley tortured Antoine by preparing escargots incorrectly.........

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Shadow finally getting a "THIS IS WHO I AM" monologue and punctuating by throwing the hairs he ripped out of Snivley's head back in his face is, honestly, fucking beautiful.

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If Sonic SatAM is more your speed, the team over at have been continuing the late Ben Hurst's wishes for a 3rd Season in many forms; A bi-weekly webcomic & the upcoming animated adaptation by ! Just what're ol' Naugus & Snivley up to...?

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You know. What if the guy hanging out with Robotnik in the trailer was Snivley?

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