Hogwarts Legacy Mc x MC couple

Som x Viez by

Not gonna miss the international kissing day too! They can snog all day!

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Smth me and the legend made abt 2 years ago but I finally animated it cuz I can now lol also this was back when I drew in mouse lol INTRODUCING MF SNOG

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To all out there, alone a Valentine rose from Scotland with a joke, pretty picture of the bridge over the Atlantic and a nice painting by Louise.

Latha nam Pòg sona dhut
Latha Naomh Bhaileintin sona dhut

Gees'a snog
Canty Valentine's day, dol.
Happy Valentine's day

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Holy shit, this cat is cute! The eyes <3
Cac naomh, tha an cat seo snog! Na sùilean <3

From here/Bho seo - https://t.co/oQsvTf3cf9

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Ok snog marry kill with the Spectrutex anomalies who are you going for /jk

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Expect to be Accosted, ch 5 is up!

Or that dubcon fic where Draco polyjuices as Ron because he wants to snog Hermione.
8th yr, crack treated seriously

If you haven't read this yet, please check the tags!

⬇️Link below

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decided to try some convergent evolution pokemon based on 's idea of randomly generating a pokemon and type - grass/flying snom (snog?)

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Assignment from a few months ago, needed to fuse two animals together so: Frog + Snail = Snog

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you know it's true love if you still want to snog this idiot when he looks this ugly

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Snog, Marry, Avoid? GO!!!
(Senran Kagura-Asuka, Yumi & Homura)

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Last note for tonight: this image from a different Snog location reminded me of a motif we've been calling 'vectorbloom'; after noticing how prominent 'nature-inspired vector graphics' were in the 2000s. Usually maximalist, in keeping with the general atmosphere of the era.

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luca by the time i’d be done w him in this snog marry pie challenge

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Just a friendly reminder, hug and snug a local snog today.

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Cola: "Bollocks, mate~!! Size matters not, as hugs are free for humans, pokemon, and every creature in between. Or were you intending a cheeky necking-on~??"

"Nickit-ing a Snog, as it were~??" **wink**

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My snog fren got this

Can never figure out to tag people but I know he sees this.

Made by https://t.co/Kd5r6maQEo

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