Snowpocalypse, Serket, Apocalypse, Voltaic (4/11)

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Me adn will be attemtping to summon a snowpocalypse and singing Let It Snow!

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She's ready for SNOWPOCALYPSE NOW on 9/25 at ...are you?

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I can’t believe Georgia College is still open with snow coming in the next few hours!

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Cartoon: Maybe it's not a snowpocalypse

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So basically I'm in the eye of the snowpocalypse...

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me entering a grocery store after work.

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As much as I love the snow, I am NOT looking forward to this about to happen tomorrow. At least I’m stocked up on groceries and will have my video games to keep me sane. Also, tempted to use my personal holiday on Monday if the snow is BAD.

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Snowpocalypse is starting & I'm not excited. I'll be grumpily dreamin of spring until things calm down.

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