I’m Ashley and I love writing and illustrating about all things and am a mental health counselor by day.
Kindness and inclusivity is my jam!

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Teachers, PRUETT AND SOO is a perfect addition to your SEL curriculum! (self and social awareness, helping friends, decision-making, emotions) Art by

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If you know a kiddo who's maybe a little nervous about starting school this fall, check out these great titles that can help foster conversations about trying something new.

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Don’t forget! We are nominated ( 🤩 ) for the 2022 Global Industry Game Awards and today is the last day to vote! 🗳

Head over to https://t.co/tJdmwmz9WJ to cast your vote now! 🚀🛸

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Using special interests in the classroom can help students develop social emotional and communication skills, improve their academics, learn self-advocacy, and more! 🎓

Learn more ► https://t.co/mpUhtyacmu

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Developing relationships with your students is key to understanding their special interests. Once you build those relationships, you can encourage and support your students to thrive! 🌱🌻

Read more ► https://t.co/l65Lw66rXW

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Special interests can mature into many positive outcomes, such as friendships, meaningful careers, and - most importantly - JOY! 🤩🎉

Learn how to use special interests to celebrate your students ► https://t.co/6I8kViAHTp

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Let's talk about Self Management! Swipe to find out ways we at Resilience Inc. teach students how to manage their emotions for a healthier community.

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Happy Birthday to Fred Rogers, trailblazer of and validator of all our children's big emotions. Enjoy this sneak preview of a spread from my book with , Mister Rogers' Gift of Music (available now for pre-order)!

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It's World Mental Health Day. Stop. Breathe. Check in with yourself. Listen to your favorite episode of Like You and say a few affirmations. We are each a work in progress. https://t.co/TtF172lAjJ

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Last week we came to you looking for suggestions for an booklist we’d be presenting. After mixing your ideas with ours, we've compiled LOTS of picture book titles that support See the thread for the list, & thank you for your ideas!

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ICYMI - On this week: WEEDS! A free resource to connect and lesson investigating weeds, then about their resilience
🌿 https://t.co/zkvvhq1jOD

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Today's much needed Painting lesson was inspired by the class taken at this year's MAEA conference. Ss were led in a meditation and creation of their own "mindful mandala"

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Made this for my kids today! For SEL this week, we’re helping these ghosts think of kind things they can do.

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My agency mate shows us how to tear down walls with spelling & She and bring us - a about a persistent friendship. See: https://t.co/Jp32kWrDvC

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