I've listed my first NFT on https://t.co/AeEpm7mE7R called "Taifun", please check it out!

Price: 1 SOL

Available on: https://t.co/DimEu0Flss

Thank you and for the mint fund,

2 4

Thank you and for the mint fund❤️

This is ours works "Peaceful"

Peaceful, the story behind this artwork is when the artist wanted to be free from city life.

3 5

Thank you and for the mint fund,
this is my work "Clown"
beri hastag dan

1 3

Petruk is described as someone who likes to joke, either through words or behaviour. He is the second child adopted by Semar. Another name is Kanthong Bolong, which means likes to have a theme.

0 4