Last session, the Torches took the opportunity to do some shopping for their upcoming hot-climate travels, including new clothes that have been enchanted to work as armour. Therefore, a WIP of Ness' shiny new outfit:

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In celebration of the new His Dark Materials trailer I took a break from my thesis writing and speed-painted some D&Dæ - Ness and her smooth newt dæmon, tentatively named Herendil.

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Something rather different, even if the subject remains the same. I wanted to try painting without lines, working only with shapes & limited colours. So here's Ness and Brig of when they got a moment to sit and drink & chat on the roof of their Feywild Inn.

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Finished this! I’m going to buy Dragon Age I and II on sale as a Yule present to myself, but I wanted to make sure to do something creative before I give up all productivity & lose myself in games for a week. So: Anatarr, High Elf Bard in

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A bit of people-painting-practice inspired by the most recent D&D session. The Child, colourful edition, and the lovely NPC Alicia Johnson.

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