Opens up twitter and again some ☕️🫖
People graduating from big company and then hinted themselves that they’ll redebut..but at the first place they were quite big before when they were solo… 🤨

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A random solo…….. now I’m not getting seele in the real thing goodbye </3

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久しぶりのソロ。 ソロ? solo…

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Solo… AHHHH ♥️

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やっぱepisode Solo……episode Soloなんですよ……

(今週はドレス描かない!ってなったんですけど、推しのプレミアムレアドレス見てたら描きたい!ってなりました! こわい!)

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Asignando canciones de mitski a personajes/momentos de karmaland!

Wife- nieves
Se explica solo…

0 20

Damn Melinkov went from doing art for the robin solo to doing art for the punchline solo…

Going out sad.

The covers are pretty tho

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“Filtra l’ora e lo spazio
e non ha luce presagio
nell’abbandono dell’erbe;
e il vento,il fresco vento non versa
telai di suoni e chiarità improvvise,
e quando tace anche il cielo è solo…”

🎨Marcus C.Stone

6 10

El viento me acaricia y me recuerda que siempre estarás para mi cuando me siento solo… Se que eres libre como el viento pero me dejaste encarcelando con tu amor… Kagura…

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Everyone out here posting all their cute Valentines dates and plans, yet I’ll be here relaxing solo… care to stop by?
Artwork -

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Fridays are also TOTC FRIDAYS although the three of them makes me wanna rip my hair and tits out!!!! I have a weakness for pretty Jihoon too…my dude, just fcking go solo…your bandmates are making you do everything …

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D: —Lo siento…

K: —No, no… no lo hagas solo…

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C’est très bien pourtant le ciné en solo…😖
[via Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!]

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Finally solo……
Please tell me this is not a dream ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ 😭
从来不敢奢求 solo 专,只盼着有 solo 曲……

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