somang comforting eunchae 😭 i love her SM

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seems like woojin sunbae is interested in somang. his first impression of somang was that shes cute and when he asked subin if hes going to the art studio, woojin was like "how envious"

kinda looking forward to the development of their relationship in the sob sequel👀

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seasons of blossom for naver webtoon's april fool's day event! hamin & somang's 4-cut photo🩷

long time no see, hamso🥹🫶

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little dongchae mistakenly told hamin's mom that he saw him on the art school with somang and not in the academy to study. Ever since then when he saw hamin's mom angry face, he was burdened with the mistake he had done.

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kang sunhee being the funniest character of seasons of blossom 🤧

sunhee (about woojin): whats that guy?
somang: idk either

sunhee when subin appeared: huh? a face ive seen a lot somehwere...
subin: ...kang sunhee wyd here?
sunhee: youre really kang subin?! why are you here?!

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woojin sunbae finally had his very first meeting with somang!

woojin is on the phone with subin and somang is on the phone with gaeul so ft. subin x gaeul crumb🤧

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eunchae and dongchae went to the art studio and met the other kids there too, even jaemin. they went there to give somang her mom wants to give her.

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while them on the background...😂

subin asked somang about her friend who also got bullied and she said that yes shes gaeul's friend and she knows him, cause its kang subin. just jaemin being amazed looking at them cause they know eo.

subin: "what a small world"😃

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this is actually the first time somang and subin met properly. subin cried after dongchae met his parents so somang said, "you cry a lot, as i heard" & then subin found out that shes gaeul's friend. somang introduced herself and told subin that gaeul is really curious about him!

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somang gave dongchae the flower bucket she prepared for hamin💐

somang to dongchae: i think youre the owner of this flower. i was about to give it to someone who's precious to me so instead, take good care of it (...) make sure to tell your parents the truth & ask for their help

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the gift eunchae prepared for dongchae was a dreamcatcher! after that day, dongchae doesnt have nightmares anymore~ he's also keeping the flower somang gave to him in his room

also recently dongchae's parents have more time to be home and they get to spend more time together

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somang also talked about gaeul🥹

gaeul said she endured those hard times for her friend (somang). that friend just lost someone who's precious to her and didnt eat properly so she (gaeul) said she had to live to make sure that friend is eating well 🥹

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tw suicide attempt

somang called 119 and reassured eunchae, meanwhile subin helped jaemin to stop dongchae from jumping off the rooftop.

thank god they got to save him🥹

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then suddenly they saw subin talking to somang about that he saw a dongchae and maybe that one is who are they searching for and told them where did he went.

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after the call, they went immediately to eunchae's location and found her crying. jaemin asked her what actually happened and somang assure that they will find their brother, and everythings gonna be fine.

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somang dreamed of hamin in a sad state, she immediately contact jaemin to come with her to visit his grave.

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subin going outside to get some fresh air after looking at gaeul's kkt profile and then he met somang who's looking for dongchae. subin said he saw dongchae earlier and clearly remembered him because his expression looked very desperate.

dongchae's full face is shown🥹

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eunchae bought dongchae a christmas present but when she went to his room to give the present, she saw his computer and found out about his plan.

she then called jaemin and jaemin along with somang came to help her find her brother

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somang called jaemin to go visit hamin together. she brings a bucket of flower as a gift for hamin💐

at the same time, jaemin got a call from eunchae (related to the previous chapter)

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