Mizutsune - soapy
Nargacuga - edgy
Somnacanth - otter

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I haven't posted art recently have I...
Well. Here's a few characters I designed this week for DtD. The Glamrocks.

Goss Harag x Freddy, Somnacanth x Roxy, Glacial Agnaktor x Monty and Pukei-Pukei x Chica.

They won't show up in the comic for quite a while, but I like making em.

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ポケモン金銀風 イソネミクニ
Pokemon gold/silver style Somnacanth

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❄️🧜‍♀️Anomaly Investigation: Aurora Somnacanth lvl 101

Slay an Afflicted Auroracanth

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Threat Level 5★ - Daimyo Hermitaur, Somnacanth, Barioth, Tobi-Kadachi

Threat Level 6★ - Blood Orange Bishaten, Aurora Somnacanth, Anjanath, Nargacuga, Mizutsune, Garangolm, Shogun Ceanataur, Rathalos, Zinogre

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Somnacanth WIP. I know i've been SLOOOWWW on art lately but i'm pulling a with being MIA because of video games

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Does a Somnacanth based off of her count?

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Today's monster is Aurora Somnacanth, introduceed in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.

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More Monster Hunter fanart, rendered in a sketchy "Xerox cel" style. Here we have the Diablos, the Somnacanth, the Tobi-Kadachi, and everyone's favorite angry pickle: Deviljho. These are kinda hit or miss quality-wise, though I hope you enjoy them regardless.

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Bonsoir !

Ça fait 1 semaine qu'on est pas parti à la chasse aux monstres !
Du coup on y retourne ce soir aux alentours de 21H pour refaire de la Somnacanth et des nouveaux monstres 😃


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Having fun turning characters into Waifus in the latest GarticPhone 'Tryhard Round' streams~

Got the Promps 'Plants' and 'Videogame Characters', so I went with a Pitcher plant and a Somnacanth from Monster Hunter Rise, respectively. :)

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I understand some people may find Aurora Somnacanth and Magna Almudron to be divisive in terms of new subspecies, but I say in there defense it’s not the first time a subspecies receives an element swap and slightly altered fight.

But I still love them all regardless. 💙

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I’m unsure what most people for Barioth but I adore him. Somnacanth and Almudron I adore for them both being leviathans and cool as hell. And Barroth is just my favorite Brute Wyvern

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Somnacanth Armor Palico concept art, from Monster Hunter Rise

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Magma Almudron and Aurora Somnacanth

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Almost forgot to post this: while my internet was out a while back, I finished that "project" I was talking about

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“Hunters! We have reports of a Somnacanth is causing some trouble for palicoes to deliver some permits. Do you think you handle the seductive beast?💤💤”

Hope you all enjoy this artwork!
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