DAY 31: Super in Love

YES I FINALLY FINISHED and yep i wanted to make a comic for this one... a long one. But here it is. In the future i will make better ones but for now... i will just go rest a little bit

204 1448

Day 20: Surprise
Ye, it is a surprise if sonic the hedgehog kisses amy

233 1235

Día 10: Beso
Me acuerdo que alguien había escrito un escenario en el que Amy intentaba besar a Sonic y él movía su boca hacía un lado sjjsjaj

19 134

Day 10: Kiss/Beso "Special Day"
someone said autumn kisses SonAmy?🥰
very late sorry if I have fallen too far behind with the contributions I am making my effort
sweet kisses☺️

13 42

Day 7: Hug
Im determined to finish this sonamytober, so beware of lots of sonamy content

108 700

Day 5: Story
SHALALALA Ain't that sad, what a shame, too bad. You're gonna miss the girl

325 1625