Nunca es tarde para mi otp ✌

23 90


Sonaze Week Day 2: Flowers!! 🌸

I don’t care how late I am, I am finishing these prompts no matter how long it takes me 😂😂💖

76 315

Welp, I had fun, I sure wanna do this again so, until next time :)

(Here showing the drawings I most liked ^ ^)

17 110

Day 6 - Fluff/Angst ❤️‍🩹

I tried to think of something other than the ending of rush, but as I couldn't I based the day once more with my series.
I like how this is spoilers but out of context so its confusing xd

27 120

day 7: free day

I tried my best hehe

The original design by @/ on Instagram!💖

Sorry if I'm very late again! I really hope you like it!💙💜

18 71

day 6: fluff/angst

What if? Hehe, I just imagine Fleetway Blaze and 🤯 also, it's my first time doing something angst uwu
Sorry if I'm very late! Hope you like it!💙💜

10 45

Late Day 7, couldnt think of much so I just went with there superforms because they look cool together

10 40

day 7 - free day

Al chile este fue el que más me gustó hacer lul

23 92

[Day 7: Free day]
Este dibujo es de hace unos días, lo hice en clases 🤠

92 407

Sonaze Week | Day 7: Free Day ✨
decided to make a roleswap au!
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608 3030

Sonaze Week / Day 6 : Fluff/Angst (Angst)
Just a few seconds before; i was still able to hold your hands tightly, Now I just feel...

(No sé si queda con el tema xD Este final me llena tanto de emociones bonitas pero más de desolación)

38 161

day 5: day/night 🌑

I'm trying to practice more my coloring style, but still hard for me, I have no patience for coloring ;^;

Anyway, hope you like it💙💜

25 100

[Day 5: Day/Night]

No creo que vaya con la temática... Pero ya qué, me estoy quedando sin ideas xd

109 566

Sonaze Week | Day 5: Day/Night 🌆🌃
spagonia adventures!
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631 3457

day 4: Music. I am surprised even though it has been quite a long day and usually feel tired, i was still able to do a solid idea for today's theme

1 11

Sonaze Week / Day 4: Music
There is a secret song that only the two of us will know.

- Este día no lo tenia tan claro en ideas hehe -

49 199

Slowly but surely trying to make lil pieces for :) 💙💜

It’s late, but here’s day 1 :> ☔️

149 698