BIIIRTHDAAAYYY!! Iiit's theee 9th nooow soooo I'm oofiiiciiaallyyyy 20 toodaayyy!! Craazzyyyyy,,,heeree's the biirthdaay aaart + taags sooo peeople seee!

1 8

haven't had time to play too much of this game but I did like what I did play of it. exodus would LOVE it so I did a quick late-night doodle of his own take on the main character, ignore the wobbly lines lol

2 9

mans holds himself to a tight schedule when it comes to his 'job', so he hates anything he'd consider to be a waste of time, which includes interviews lol.
forecast belongs to

4 20

twitter formats 3-image tweets really weird but. mini refs for the female coworker & cult members + cropped separate images of them individually
cult members still have the same design it's just been a while since i did a mini ref of it

1 8

you guys remember that one form exodus uses when trying to appear all 'innocent' & stuff. well. idea: he attempts to socialize & 'fit in' with people but has other secret evil plans lol. feat these cool guys (hi-)

5 45

ok fine have the full lineart + color version because it's alright-looking i suppose (tags because why not)

5 10

Exodus but Chao because I thought it'd be cute (& I had no other drawing ideas). He rings too big for he got dam he!! (tiny Chao body lol)

1 4

Lines are kinda wobbly in some areas because I manually drew them all with the mouse but whatever. I would've drawn the tentacle things on the True Demon Form but there wasn't enough room, they're usually visible tho.

1 10

Ok yeah I'm gonna post these as they're done and Then make a separate post with all of them. Anyway. Updated Ringless Form ref (featuring empty space lol.)

1 6

Ok I know I said I'd post the new refs all at once but. I just finished the first one (dated as the 4th cause that's when I started & it's Barely the 5th) &I wanted to share it so we can have one more positive thing in this place today.

2 8

Cool mans (I forgot to add the highlight on one of the shoe buckles but just ignore that it's past midnight (so technically march now hence the date) & I'm tired) tags because Yeah

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