Art by for "Advisers Giving Back: Atlanta Retirement Partners"
IMAGE: Portrait of David Griffin.

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Art by for Feb/Mar 2020 “In the Groove” 2020 PLANSPONSOR Best in Class 401(k) Plans story.
Image: Agility and adaptability key factor for the best in the field.

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Art by for "Plan Amendments After the 403(b) Remedial Amendment Period"
IMAGE: Running out of time.

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Art by for "Advocates Say DC Plans Should Be Considered Accredited Investors"
IMAGE: Getting access to much bigger opportunities.

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Art by for the latest Podcast episode "Dominic Garcia: From Mentee to Mentor”
IMAGE: Portrait of Dominic Garcia—featured because he has been innovative in managing risks.

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Art by for "Inflation Is Dead: What’s Needed to Reanimate It?”
IMAGE: Something giant slowly deflating.

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Art by for May/Jun 2019 “Whatever Suits” Beyond(k) story.
Image: Unique situations require unique solutions. Different needs for different beings.

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