it’s been a while since i’ve drawn 🥰💕💕💕 i had so much fun!

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i'm gay and i love soriku!! i'm glad i have time to post art again... sora and riku truly deserve to go on a date in scala ad caelum

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HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! ready for another year with kingdom hearts and soriku!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Doodles based on the fic "Per Chance to (Day) Dream", wrote by . This fic is seriously so cute and wholesome 😭💕 you have no idea.
Consider giving it a shot if you're into 💕💕

35 67

a little valentines soriku!! i havent played kh3 yet though i just think theyre neat

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【お題:フリー】 様より
ステキな時間をありがとう、素敵な壮陸をありがとう。THANK YOU FOR YOUR SORIKU!!

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