Putting people inside of the SourceEngine.

1 8

"A slightly twisted concept video game art quake maze designed in a fractal 3d maze creator. This room is wicked and faciwafihj." Created with LiminalDiffusionSource. 🚪

5 10

Level design test for Starbreeze Studios. Made with Source Engine in 2010. Got the job, dream come true! Worked on the cyberpunk first-person shooter Syndicate together with amazing people. Grateful, good times!

9 101

Cause and Effect. Half-Life 2 mod. Story-driven co-op zombie survival experience. Hiatus since 2006. Early screenshots from one of my maps.

7 27

All I did was change the file name when I compiled and the problem went away

what the fuck

idk if it's an HLMV bug

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